If you’re like me, every time you read the headlines or watch the news you cannot avoid reading about the Great Resignation and the impact it is having on the workforce. This phenomenon has taken hold and as a result, businesses are suffering, and leaders are becoming increasingly frustrated.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on January 4 that 4.5 million people left their jobs in November 2021, representing 3% of the workforce. This is an all-time high since the bureau began reporting in 2000. Clearly these are quite unique times and we all have to change the way we view the workforce today.

Executives and HR managers are worrying about the burden this has on their remaining employees. It is easy to redistribute the workload among your existing teams, but it is better to reward those who stick with you. You must not burn those loyal employees out because others chose to resign. Instead, focus on how you can develop and nurture those who stick with you.

Every day we hear from customers asking us how they can effectively hedge against The Great Resignation and retain the employees who stay. We offer them a solution: digital workers, or software robots that can take over about 30-40% of the work from those who resigned. The routine, mundane, and repetitive work, which often causes people to leave a job, can be performed by a software robot in less time and at a fraction of the cost.

Those same digital workers can provide 8,760 hours of work each year while the best, most ambitious human worker only gives us 2,000 hours of work each year. Even better, digital workers cost about 1/7th the cost of humans. Let’s not forget that digital workers don’t make mistakes, call in sick, or require benefits! Most importantly, they never quit!

This is where Lydonia Technologies comes in: we help organizations scale their business without increasing headcount and deploy digital workers that make up for resigning employees. This allows them to retain and reward their quality employees by freeing them of boring, repetitive work, allowing them to focus on more impactful and fulfilling work.

Our partner UiPath recently published the results of their third annual survey of U.S. business executives in C-level and senior management roles. The survey found that:

  • 86% of executives surveyed believe automation will enable their employees to focus on more creative work—and spend less time on mundane, repetitive, time-consuming tasks
  • 85% say that incorporating automation and automation training into their organization will help them retain employees and attract new talent
  • Surveyed executives also believe automation is helping their companies perform better by saving time (71%), improving productivity (63%), and saving money (59%).

The workforce has changed and the advent of the digital workforce is here to stay. Have you considered an automation strategy in the fight against the Great Resignation? Contact us today to protect your organization and bolster efficiency, productivity, and creativity in 2022.


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