Lydonia Blog

Process Mining

Written by Kevin Scannell | Aug 17, 2020 12:00:43 PM

Many customers we speak to think that they are already doing Automation the right way. Some use macros, some use custom scripts that only one employee can decipher and maintain, some use complicated platforms that claim to be RPA. When we walk through the full UiPath platform overview from Task Capture & Process Mining, through “crowd sourcing” innovation using  Automation Hub, all the way to true Hybrid (Interactive Attended & Unattended) Automation and beyond, they quickly realize that they’re not doing automation correctly. I am truly opinionated – but for good reason. We see companies struggle to maintain custom automations especially when the person that wrote them departs for another job. UiPath focuses on delivering everything related to automation with the simplest operating model and lowest operating cost. When UiPath talks about RPA, they do every aspect of workflow automation and they are just getting warmed up. There is so much available today and even more on the roadmap to come.