Over the past 48 hours my Chief Digital Officer and I have been asked to create Zoom meetings & WebEx’s because corporate policy has enforced no visitors in our client’s offices.

One went into effect yesterday, another today and a meeting next week is onsite if the total number of attendees didn’t exceed 10.

Interesting times indeed.

I love face to face meetings, but it is 2020 and we all need to adapt. I’ve spent 30 years in Technology, and these are the times whereby we must enable technologies to keep ourselves out of harm’s way. In this case, a virus that 1 person is spreading to 40 when they come in close contact with that infected person.I love face to face meetings, but it is 2020 and we all need to adapt. I’ve spent 30 years in Technology, and these are the times whereby we must enable technologies to keep ourselves out of harm’s way. In this case, a virus that 1 person is spreading to 40 when they come in close contact with that infected person.

Earlier this week, the World Health Organizations declared COVID-19 a pandemic in the US. When this news hit the wire- Everything changed, perhaps forever!

Just yesterday- Lydonia Technologies tweaked our Process Modernization Methodology (PM²) services engagement with UiPath to be able to do full RPA delivery with zero onsite meetings. No touch deployments with remote access. This will save time, money and cut down on travel expenses as well as adhering to current “no visitor policies” as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than ever before- this latest news should make us all realize the importance of a digital workforce. Software bots always work in a stateless environment. They work 24 hours a day and never spread nor contract disease. They don’t need health benefits, they never call in sick, they work on snow days & they do what they are programmed to do. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. The time is now to set time on your calendar for an RPA project. Not when 3 or 4 people on your team quit or get sidelined with illness. If there was ever a time for prioritizing a project, RPA should be at the top of the list!

We are excited to be able to eliminate the travel and expense costs in your deployment of RPA. Lydonia Technologies is keeping up with the ever-evolving world in which we live.

We’ve all been dealt a curve ball- Let’s embrace it & assume this is the “new norm”. Stay healthy and don’t panic the world is watching us.


AI Enablement Program