Lydonia Blog

Lydonia Technologies Forward IV Key Takeaways

Written by Kevin Scannell | Oct 18, 2021 6:21:20 PM

Tech events are here again! The Lydonia team traveled to Las Vegas this month for UiPath’s Forward IV at the Bellagio. Now back from the event, we are even more excited and energized about the power of UiPath’s platform and can’t wait to share what we’ve learned with you.

It was so great to be back in-person meeting with friends and colleagues. The energy level at the Bellagio was high and Lydonia Technologies had a great presence at the event.  With a solutions booth in Expertsville, attendance at Partner Forward and a wide variety of informative keynote and breakout sessions, it was hard not to notice us.   In addition, our own Chief Digital Officer,  Todd Foley, hosted two separate customer roundtables on overcoming automation obstacles and accelerating automation at scale. The feedback was incredible!  As was our widely attended customer and partner appreciation event at Yellowtail.  Special thanks to all our customers and UiPath friends who joined us.

Of course we also found time to attend Automation Celebration where we all celebrated human achievement. We were able to meet so many of our customers and partners face-to-face for the first time – it felt great!

The week was full of announcements, networking, and plenty of fun. Most notably, UiPath 2021.10 release will be available October 25th! This software update has many exciting features including a new integration service which will allow enterprise customers to overcome obstacles such as disparate and sprawling applications – including 70 prebuilt connectors for API automation. The latest release will also apply AI to every aspect of work, as well as facilitate scaling, maintaining, and securing automation. Overall, this release makes it easier for developers to build automations.  The update also includes: 

  • Linux-based Bots which can run API automations will now be supported cross-platform and can execute quickly with few resources.
  • UiPath Marketplace will expand and users will be able to launch UiPath partners’ custom automation solutions directly on their desktop via the UiPath Marketplace.
  • Robot Auto-healing will be added, which assesses the robot’s runtime environment and identifies and remediates any security issues. This paired with proper governance models will bolster UiPath’s ability to meet a wide range of corporate security standards.
  • The New Automation Suite will containerize UiPath software and allows customers to run on-prem, in public cloud, or on hosted cloud and still have cloud native deployment advantages.

These new features and enhancements allow Lydonia Technologies to continue delivering best in class automations that drive revenue, reduce operational costs, and assure quality deployments for our customers. We work with our customers to understand the TCO and ROI for each automation up front – using your own numbers.  Want to know more? Email us today to schedule a meeting.