Lydonia Blog

Beware of the Experts!

Written by Steve Sadler | Nov 3, 2021 10:21:46 PM

“There are no experts in life…only professionals.” – The first time I heard this quote I was 14 years old.  It was not uttered by a titan of the business world nor a famous social commentator.  It was voiced by my maternal grandfather, Sam.  Even though he never graduated from high school, Sam was probably the smartest and wisest man I have ever known.  He was a kind, generous, humble, lifelong learner whose superpower was his curiosity.  What he lacked in formal education, he made up for with street smarts.  And yes, he could spot a “snow job” a mile away.  His admonition to me was to never buy into the hype of a slick sales pitch, to do my own research, form my own judgment and to approach those who purport to know it all with suspicion. 

In my profession of technology sales, I am continually stunned by the amount of salespeople and even companies who represent themselves as experts in their chosen field.  They claim to have the magic elixir for whatever ails their prospects and a monopoly on the formula, regardless of how nascent the space or inexperienced the individual or firm.

Case in point, the emerging field of Robotic Process Automation.  This exciting technology allows organizations of all sizes to accelerate their business performance by reinventing how humans and machines get work done.  By automating routine, mundane tasks, RPA software allows people to focus on higher value work in a much more efficient and cost-effective manner.  When done right, the returns are the most compelling I have seen in my 30-year career in technology.

So, it should come as no surprise to anyone who has been in this industry for any length of time, that the hype machine has shifted into overdrive and the “experts” are coming out of the woodwork, magic wands in hand, ready to oversell and under deliver.  Their goal: create as much buzz as possible in order to sell lengthy consulting engagements, gobs of software that may or may not ever be used, ultimately prolonging the problem and failing to deliver on the promised outcomes.  Stop me if you have seen this movie before.

This is why we founded Lydonia Technologies in 2019.  We recognized the incredible potential of RPA if delivered properly, as well as the peril for customers if not.  Through a unique methodology, we teach our customers how to harness the power of RPA for themselves, without the need for ongoing services.  By demystifying the technology, empowering them to create and deliver automations themselves, we in essence teach them to fish.  As the proverb goes, this enables them to eat for a lifetime, rather than feeding them once so they eat for a day.

The results we are delivering for our customers are game changing.  Desired outcomes delivered on time, with anticipated ROIs being achieved.  If you would like to learn more, feel free to reach out.  We’d be happy to help.  We are Lydonia Technologies, The Automation Professionals.