Lydonia Blog

Audit, Risk & Compliance with a Digital Workforce

Written by Kevin Scannell | Jun 15, 2020 11:18:04 AM

One question that comes up almost every time I meet with customers is: “How do we answer the questions from our CISO on audit, risk & compliance when we introduce digital workers”?

The fact is, whenever you automate workflow with a digital bot, you leave an audit trail with every move a bot makes. This makes “auditability” a breeze. Everything a bot does is documented. UiPath currently has the majority share of the large SIs as clients. Large Global Banks have also figured out that workflows are more secure with a digital worker than a human worker. There are rogue human workers but no rogue bots unless programmed by a rogue human. Bots have credentials like humans, but every move a bot makes is easily traceable.

When an RPA deployment is being considered, include the audit team to streamline the process so that audit can be expedited for more frequent access or perhaps used proactively versus being used for compliance only.

Lydonia Technologies can help you navigate this new digital workplace. This is a core competency of ours and we can help you self sustain the digital workforce without expensive consultant costs. Automation is what we do!