The competitive landscape in corporate Americas has never been so fierce as it is today. With unemployment at less than 4% and the current market representing an “employee’s market”, you’d better optimize your workforce now. The current quit rate is growing and retaining talent is becoming more and more difficult. In fact, baby boomers are exiting the workforce at 10,000/day!

It’s this reason that companies are racing towards transforming the way they do work. What do I mean? I mean when millennial’s and generation Z employees leave your organization for slightly more money, and at the same time your experienced workers retire- It’s a 1-2 punch that could decimate your workforce. Think about all the intellectual knowledge & tribal know-how that will walk out the door.

The advent of the digital workforce today is a competitive weapon for companies to drive not only innovation but efficiency! Worker wages are increasing & software robots are, well, cheap. At moderate scale, bots are less than a buck an hour!

In 2-3 years – having a partial digital workforce won’t be a competitive advantage but rather an absolute necessity!


AI Enablement Program